Artistic research on Artificial Intelligence in Theater and Music

“Lure” is an innovative project combining AI, music, and theater, where audiences interact with a machine-learning model named Parzival. The project showcases real-time, AI-driven performances, exploring the evolving relationship between humans and machines. Participants can experience AI’s creative potential in an immersive digital environment. This blend of technology and art offers a glimpse into the future of performance.

Curious? Dive deeper into this unique exploration here.

The Sound within the Orchestra

The sound impression for the musician in the orchestra is clearly different from the sound impression of the audience. Not only the instruments, but the entire body of sound is designed to resonate with the concert hall and enter into a symbiotic connection with the room. As a listener in the hall, one hears the result of this complex connection.

Is it possible to let a listener hear the sound of the musician within the orchestra through media? Read the report on a 360° Virtual Reality research project with the Munich Symphony Orchestra here.